Request Assistance

We’re pleased to announce that the Family Fund and its team of volunteers are working to highlight the scope of the charity’s relief efforts beyond its past focus on natural disasters. These events can include, but are not limited to:

Am I Eligible?

No one expects the unexpected to happen. This is where the GMS Family Fund can step in and provide assistance if you are eligible to receive a grant.

To be eligible to receive a grant from the Family Fund, you must:

Any GMS or subsidiary employee (not a contract or temporary employee) who:

How Do I Apply?

To apply, you must complete the GMS Family Fund Application. Please completely filled out the application and provided the supporting documentation. Please be sure to include proof of income, proof of event, and all bills for which you are requesting assistance with your application.  

What Happens After I Apply?

Once you have submitted your application it will be reviewed by the Family Fund Grant Officer to ensure it includes all needed information. If the application is complete, your identifying information will be removed from the application to protect your confidentiality. Then it will be submitted to the GMS Family Fund Approval Committee, a group made up of GMS and Subsidiary employees, who will decide if a grant will be awarded. You will be notified of the committee’s decision within 3-5 business days. If approved, you will receive your GMS Family Fund tax-free grant in the form of either a check or a prepaid debit card. If denied, you will receive a letter detailing the reasons why the grant was denied.


What types of requests are not eligible for assistance?